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U. S. Government - McCauley: More Book Help

Federal government resources and information.


Search Tips

At the top of the screen in our online catalog, select the Advanced Search tab. Click the drop-down menu and choose Subject Browse. This is a precise search that results in an organized list of results in chronological order.

Judicial Branch  

Courts - United States
United States - Supreme Court
United States - Courts of Appeals
United States - District Courts

Legislative Branch

Legislation - United States
Legislative bodies - United States
United States - Congress 
United States - Politics and Governmet
United States - Senate
United States - Houuse of R

Executive Branch

United States - Executive office of the President
Presidents - United States - History - 21st Century
Presidents - United States - biography

If you don't find what you're looking for, you may want to try a General Keyword search. This type of search usually results in a longer, less organized list, but allows you to search using more generalized search terms. 

A keyword search can sometimes be more productive if you're not certain how to execute a subject browse search for your topic. For example, you may word your search as "United States judicial system" rather than "Courts - United States" as in a Subject Browse search.

Subject Guide

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Leif Pierson