This EBSCO database provides legal forms that are searchable by state. Also, includes tools with detailed instructions for a wide range of legal issues. Full-text legal reference books are also included.
Comprehensive collection of legal documents updated with the various states' latest laws. Includes personalized forms with descriptions for each type, legal questions and answers addressed by attorneys, and legal information by state
This ProQuest database consists of the Natural Science Collection and the Technology Collection. Includes full-text titles that include journals, magazines, trade & industry journals, technical reports, government publications and more. Choose the Science & Technology category from the home page to also include ebooks for these subjects.
Science In Context provides information for hundreds of science topics. Includes headlines and videos to help students better understand how these disciplines relate to real-world issues.
Easy to use tool for research projects and homework that includes hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations and subject specific titles as well as images, audio files, and videos.