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Journals and Magazines: Home

A guide to TJC's collection of journals and magazines.

Off Campus Library Support Guide

See our Off Campus Library Services subject guide for detailed information regarding our off-campus services and support.

Phone Numbers

Reference & Serials Librarian
Leif Pierson  903-510-3149

Circulation Desk 

Library Hours

Fall and Spring
Mon - Thu       7:30 to 11:30
Friday              7:30 to 5:00
Saturday         10:00 to 2:00
Sunday           1:00 to 9:00 

Summer I and II 
Mon - Thurs    8:00 to 9:00
Friday               8:00 to 5:00

May Term
Mon - Fri          8:00 to 5:00

Journals and Magazines

Journals and Magazines

This guide provides a topical list of all Journals and Magazines currently received by Tyler Junior College's Vaughn Library. Click the tabs above to see journals and magazines in that subject category.

Journals vs. Magazines

How Are "Journals" and "Magazines" Different?

Several different terms refer to the same type of medium—periodicals, serials, journals, magazines. Each of these is typically defined as a publication that is published regularly and has no predetermined end to the series.

Journals usually are intended to support academic study. The articles in journals are written by experts in the subject field. They contain references. The articles that the editors put in journals have passed the standards of other experts—a process called “peer review.”

Examples: American Political Science Review, PS: Political Science and Politics, Journal of Radio and Audio Media

Magazines, on the other hand, are usually intended for a popular audience. They are written with a style and content understandable by the average reader. They typically feature more photographs and illustrations than do journals.

Examples: Bon Appetit, Money, New Yorker

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Leif Pierson

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find what you need after searching our collections? Complete an ILL form (see link below) and we'll be happy to request it for you from another library. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for article requests and approximately two weeks for book requests. For information, email Lilly Smith at or call 903-510-2645.