To request a book through interlibrary loan, or to add a book to the library collection for your subject area, contact Lilly Smith, Collection Development Librarian. Her contact information is and 903-510-2645.
All books listed in DOAB are freely accessible and therefore free to read, but this does not mean readers are free to do anything they like with these books. The usage rights of the books in DOAB are determined by the license. Please check the license if you want to re-use the contents of a book. Generally speaking, all books listed in DOAB are free to read and share for non-commercial use.
Most of the textbooks on this list have Creative Commons (CC) open licenses or GNU-Free Document License. Others are U.S. government documents in the public domain (PD).
Many other textbooks are free to view online but are NOT OPEN for reuse and customization. See Copyrighted Digital Textbooks for a list of learning content without open licenses.
ScienceDirect has over 3,800 journals and more than 35,000 book titles. Providing journals in physical science and engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Open Textbook Library provides open textbooks in one place. It is a comprehensive resource for open textbooks by a variety of authors and publishers.
The American Institute of Mathematics encourages the adoption of open source and open access mathematics textbooks. There are also online resources available through this site. Check for types of licenses.