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Tyler Junior College
Cultural Diversity
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Cultural Diversity: Web Resources
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Standards and Guidelines
Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency for Academic Libraries
ACRL LibGuides Diversity Standards Toolkit
ACE American Council on Education
Texas Higher Education Strategic Plan 2015-2030
Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: a Campus Guide For Self-Study and Planning
Checklist for Evaluating Institutional Practices and Policies Impacting Recruitment, Retention, and Success for Students of Color and Low-Income Students
Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE)
Retention: Promising and Practical Strategies
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Wendy Nelson-Kauffman on Culturally Responsive Teaching
Bringing Cultural Context and Self-Identity Into Education: Brian Lozenski at TEDxUMN
Culturally Responsive Teaching (Edutopia)
Special Report and Video for the Initiative on Men of Color (CCSSE Report)
Addressing Cultural Diversity: Effects of a Problem-based Intercultural Learning Unit
Barriers to College Access for Latino/a Adolescents: a Comparison of Theoretical Frameworks
Cultural Diversity in Instructional Design for Technology-based Education
Investigating the Curriculum Through Assessment Practice in Higher Education: the Value of a 'Learning Cultures' Approach
Mimetic Desire and Intersubjectivity in Disciplinary Cultures: Constraints or Enablers to Learning In Higher Education?
Cultivating Multicultural Competence Through Active Participation: Extracurricular Activities and Multicultural Learning
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Higher Education: a Collaborative
Culturally Responsive Teaching Knowledge and Practices of Online Faculty
Moving Beyond Seeing with Our Eyes Wide Shut A Response to “There Is No Culturally Responsive Teaching Spoken Here”
Barriers to Educational Opportunities for Hispanics in the United States
A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching
Culturally Responsive Teaching (models & evidence-based methods)
Ten Core Ingredients for Fostering Campus Diversity Success
Learning from Success: How Original Research on Academic Resilience Informs What College Faculty Can Do to Increase the Retention of Low Socioeconomic Status Students
Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Latino Students in Tennessee's Private 4-Year Institutions
Hispanics and Higher Education: An Overview of Research, Theory , and Practice
Multicultural Literature: Bridging the Gap Between Secondary Education and College
Web Resources
University of Southern California School of Education (Tools for Teaching Diversity – many links)
U. C. Berkley Multicultural Education Program – Classroom Tools
Queensborough Community College Diversity Resources
Retaining Minority Students in Higher Education: a Framework for Success
Black in Higher Education: the State of the African-American Student
WebQuests - Educator Lesson Materials
Intervention Programs
Maricopa County Community College District
The University System of Georgia
Minority Male Student Success Programs at Community Colleges
The Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color: Cross-Sector Collaboration as a Model for Improving Educational Outcomes
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