Assigned Paper
Introduction to Social Work
- Agency name and location
- Social problems or areas of social functioning addressed by the agency (ex. homelessness, poverty, abuse, mental health, etc.)
- A brief history of the agency
- The client base of the agency (what population receives services)
- Services provided by the agency
- Some of the problems Social Workers attempt to help clients resolve
- How Generalist Practice relates to service provision at the agency (regarding intervention levels and theory)
- Auspices (funding sources/support) of the agency
- Criteria for clients to receive services (eligibility, etc.)
- Qualifications of the Social Worker (degree, license, experience)
- A typical day on the job of the Social Worker
- The student’s opinion of the challenges and/or rewards faced by Social Workers in this agency, as well as in the Social Work field in general
Methods for Accessing TJC’s
Online Library Databases
The library’s proprietary databases offer TJC students, faculty and staff comprehensive and authoritative resources which may be accessed from on campus or from home.
Follow these instructions for accessing TJC’s library databases:
From On Campus:
Go to and select the Online Resources link in the middle of the page. You can search the databases by subject grouping or the A to Z list. Select a database from the list (such as Education Research Complete, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, socINDEX (EBSCO databases) SIRS, etc.
From Off Campus:
Go to and select the Online Resources link in the middle of the page. You can search the databases by subject grouping or the A to Z list. Select a database from the list (such as Education Research Complete, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, socINDEX (EBSCO databases) SIRS, etc.
Click on the database and you will see a blank page that asks for your username and password. Look at the top of that page for an explanation of the login criteria. The username is your A# and the password is the last 4 digits of your A# plus your 4 digit birth year.
Ex. A12345678 and birth year of 1981, the login would be:
Username A12345678
Password 56781981
Once you have chosen a database:
* Search a key word by typing it in to the “Search” box.
* Check the box indicating “Full Text” articles only. A more narrow search can be
conducted by providing additional parameters (ex. Published Date, Number of Pages,
* Click on the “Search” button
* This should bring up a list of articles that can be chosen from about the topic. Click on
“HTML Full Text” or “PDF Full Text” to review the article.
* Print the chosen article for the paper.